Koko - A social platform for mental health and well-being, based on my MIT dissertation work. Co-founded with Fraser Kelton and Kareem Kouddous. [web]
Panoply (PhD Thesis) - A crowdsourced cognitive therapy platform. [Dissertation] [Clinical Trial] [JPP_2014] [CI_2012]
Know Your Exit - A crowdsourced audio/visual composition, in collaboration with Dan McDuff. SXSW Awards Finalist. Placements in feature films, documentaries. Over 1mm plays online. [archived]
Happy++ - Smile Detection + Pharrell's 'Happy' [web]
Pavolv Poke - A shocking solution to social media addiction, in collaboration with Dan McDuff. SXSW Awards Winner [web]
Gesture Guitar - Gestural and haptic interfaces for the electric guitar. [web]